Triumph-Adler 60 (EC60)

Serial number 65013940 on the back, 48070238 inside (when battery pack has been removed), made in Japan
Accessories Power supply, 220V
Condition Very good. Some minor scratches. The 0, 4 and 5 keys have a bit of a contact problem.
Repairs, Comments
Acquired 2.7.2003
Type, Precision, Input mode Simple, 6 BCD digits, no exponent ±99, Algebraic
Programmable No
Memory None
Display 6 digit 7 segment green LED
Special features Instructions printed on the back
Original Pricing, Production 1973
Batteries 4xAA or external power supply with standard connector
Dimensions Length 15.6cm, Width 11.4cm, Height 4.2cm
Comment The unit came in two versions, one with a "Triumph 60" label and one with an "Adler 60" label.
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