Slide Rules

Aristo Bischolar 0906
Arist Trilog 0908
Castell Rietz 57/58
A.W. Faber "Castell" 369
Norma Technicus 100
Norma Mercuria 100
Faber-Castell D-STAB 52/82
Addiator Duplex

Aristo Bischolar 0906

Acquired 20.10.2002
Manufactured Germany, plastic
  • Plastic box
  • Booklet "Anleitung zum Rechenstab Bischolar 0906/Bischolar, LL 0906 LL" (German)
  • Original cardboard box
Condition Mint out of the box
Scales On the front: Top: x³, x² - Central: x², 1/x², sin, x - Bottom: x, lg x, sqrt(1-x²)
On the back: Top: arc, tan (2x), pi·x - Central: pi·x, 1 / pi·x, 1/x, x - Bottom: x, 1/x cos & sin
On the slider a kW to PS conversion mark
Dimensions Length 33 cm, width 4.4 cm

Aristo Trilog 0908

Acquired During high school
Manufactured Germany, plastic
  • Plastic box with name tag
  • Plastic sheet with various math formulas labelled "Aristo 1365"
Condition Excellent
Scales On the front: Top: cot & tan (2x), x² - Central: x², 1/x², 1/x, x - Bottom: x, sqrt(1 - x²), cos & sin, arc
On the back: Top: e0.01x, e0.1x, ex, pi·x - Central: pi·x, 1 / pi·x, 1/x, x - Bottom: x, lg x, x³
On the slider a kW to PS conversion mark
Dimensions Length 33 cm, width 4.4 cm

Castell Rietz 57/87 

Acquired Summer 2002
Manufactured Germany, plastic
Accessories Plastic box with number "1,60" written on it (a price tag) and the label "Faber Castell 111/87"
Condition Average. Behin the inner rule a label with the name "Hofmeier" written on it.
Scales On the edge side a cm rule.
Top: X³ and X² - Central front: X², 1/X, X - Central back: sin0.1X, arc0.01X tan0.1X - Bottom: X, lgX
Dimensions Length 30 cm, width 4 cm

A.W. Faber "Castell" 369

Acquired unknown
Manufactured Germany, wood. 
Accessories none
Condition Very good.
Scales On the top edge a cm rule
Top: x² - Central front: x², x - Central back: sin, lg, tan- Bottom: x
On the bottom edge a cm rule
Comment Behind the rule the manufacturer's name and the label "D.R. Patent No 200423".
On the back a variety of physical and material constants.
Dimensions Length 15.2 cm, width 2.9 cm

Norma Technicus 100

Acquired Around 2000
Manufactured Germany, plastic & metal
Accessories Protective plastic sleeve
Instruction booklet "NORMA Rechenscheiben" (German, 25 pages)
Condition Excellent
Scales From outward to inward: X³, X, X, 1/X, X²
Dimensions Diameter 10.6 cm, thickness 0.6 cm

Norma Mercuria 100

Acquired 25.1.2017,courtesy of Carsten Bank
Manufactured Germany
Accessories Protective plastic sleeve
Instruction booklet "NORMA Rechenscheiben" (German, 34 pages)
Condition Very good
Scales From outward to inward: X, X, percent addition/substraction, conversion markers for imperial units
Dimensions Diameter 10.6 cm, thickness 0.6 cm

Faber-Castell D-STAB 52/82

Acquired 25.1.2017, courtesy of Carsten Bank
Accessories Original cardboard box. Plastic sleeve. Paper sheet "Symbole aus der Mengenlehre", paper sheet which mentions some new scales and marks which are not present. Booklet "Anleitung für den gebrauch unseres Schulrechenstabes CASTELL-D-Stab" (German, 16 pages).
Condition Excellent
Scales Front: L, K, A, B, CI, C, D, LL1 (e0.01X), LL2 (e0.1X), LL3 (eX)
Back: T1 (tan 0.01X and cot), T2 (tan X and cot), DF, CF, CIF, CI, C, D, S, ST, P
Dimensions Length 32.5cm, width 4.2cm

Addiator Duplex

Acquired 25.1.2017, courtesy of Carsten Bank
Manufactured Germany
Accessories Protective plastic sleeve, Instruction sheet "Addiator Gebrauchsanleitung" (German, 6 pages), calculator pen
Condition Very good
Scales 9 digit addition on front, 9 digit subtraction on back
Dimensions Width 8.3cm, height 12.7cm

Slide Rule Scale Labelling

A Steady x² ST arc
B Sliding x² T tan
BI 1/x² LL ex
CI 1/x DF Steady pi·x
C Sliding x CF Sliding pi·x
D Steady x CIF 1 / (pi·x)
P sqrt(1 - x²) L lg x
S sin
...and many more.
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